Since I shared a photo of Dominic this week, I wanted to share Anna and Jenny too. 🙂
Anna just finished 7th grade at Church Hill Middle School. She has the most incredible teacher I’ve ever met, Mrs. Susan Haynes. This woman cares so deeply and is blessed with the ability to understand each child’s unique challenges. She can see when Anna is escalating or deteriorating and intervenes before it reaches a critical point. The only times Anna has really struggled is when she is not with Mrs. Haynes. It wasn’t an easy year for Anna, but she learned so much more than she did at Deerpark in Austin. I took this photo one morning when Anna was waiting for the bus. She was in a good mood that day and looked so pretty. I’m not sure what is going on with her now, but she is really off. I miss this happy girl.
Next week, Anna starts summer school. It’s called ESY, Extended School Year services, and I fought every year for her to get this service in Round Rock, and was always denied. It was offered to us this year without me asking. Anna needs the continuity of the structure of school. With long breaks, she gets very agitated going back and the transition is long and painful for her. This will help her cope with school a lot better. She will go TWTh, from 8-12. It’s just the right amount for summer leaving us plenty of time to relax and play.
School Bound
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/2.8 | 1/160 | ISO 640
My sweet Jenny and her husband, Chris, just moved to Georgetown last week. Chris is a full-time firefighter with the Killeen Fire Department and this is a shorter commute for him. We got to see their new apartment before they moved in and I love it. Jenny is rocking her job, she already got a promotion, but she continues to look for work in the criminal justice system. Insurance was not exactly what she had in mind for after college. In just a week and a half, they will celebrate their first wedding anniversary. I am so proud of both of them.
New Apartment
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/3.2 | 1/400 | ISO 250
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