Reaching… for answers, for an explanation, for a reason. Dreading another phone call from the school, another email from the teacher, another medication to try, another lecture to give, another apology to other parents, another drive to Austin to see the specialists, another bad report, another meeting, another hard day. It is unending. It is exhausting.
Yet what is it like for my children? What is it like to feel like no matter what you do, it’s not good enough? What’s it like to feel so out of control angry, that you shut down completely in a white rage? What is it like to fight through crushing fatigue that’s caused by multiple medications? What’s it like to need help with daily living skills in your teenage years? What’s it like to never be invited to someone else’s house? What’s it like to be overwhelmed by simple sensory input? What’s it like to be singled out by teachers, administrators, leaders, and adults for misbehavior? What’s it like to know you are different but not understand why? What’s it like to feel isolated and all alone? What’s it like???
I call this image Reaching… reaching for the light, reaching for hope.
105mm | f/4.5 | 1/250 | ISO 800
Thanks for looking.