
2014 TPW P52 ~ Week Nine

The Photographer Within TPW TPWP52

The Photographer Within’s Project 52 ~ A Year in Song has been an amazing journey to watch! Each week, our TPW members continue to inspire me with their artistry and creativity. The lyrics for Week Nine are from Who Says by Selena Gomez and the lyrics we had to shoot were “I’m no beauty queen, I’m just beautiful me.” I decided to finally do my before and after reveal… I have never felt better in my life and I DO feel beautiful!

I have lost 77.4 pounds and I have 4.6 left to goal. I started back to Weight Watchers in October 2012 and have been maintaining my current weight for the last four months. I’ve been really, really wanting to wait to tell my story until I got to goal, but I’m working hard in the gym so I’m gaining muscle… hence the scale fluctuations. I’m happy with where I am now… the number on the scale doesn’t matter. I started at a size 20, I’m now a size 8. What really changed me was watching a series of food documentaries last spring… Food, Inc., Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, and the big one that changed my life was Forks Over Knives. I NEVER guessed that I would ever become vegetarian let alone vegan, but I was having terrible health issues and was seeing one specialist after another. The medical evidence, the science, was compelling in Forks Over Knives and I immediately made some big changes. I haven’t eaten any meat since then, and I’m eating a 90% vegan diet as well. No cheese, no eggs, no milk, I have a bit of frozen yogurt on the weekends and I have one light yogurt a day in my smoothie. Yes, I have become one of THOSE people. Feel free to throw things at me.

Week Nine ~ After

Austin lifestyle self-portrait photographer

And here is a comparison, yikes… I can’t believe I’m sharing this! Dominic took this photo of me three days before joining WW. This was my heaviest ever. NEVER AGAIN.

October 2012 ~ Before


Thanks for looking! You can join along at any time via InstagramFlickrFacebook, and/or the forum. I’ll post Week Ten’s theme on Wednesday.

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