I have to laugh at myself, for as much as I shot last week and was so inspired, this week wasn’t as prolific. I did shoot everyday, but wasn’t as happy with my results (darn picky woman!). I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the future of this blog and how I want to focus my energy (otherwise known as being “in my head” a lot). I absolutely love photography and will never give that up or stop shooting and sharing. I haven’t been making any digital scrapbook pages for myself in ages, but I still make the occasional birthday invitation for a client… so should my Digital Star Design part go away? Or go to a separate blog? I miss blogging about parenting Anna, with and without photos… and that used to be my Elusive Tranquility blog. As she’s gotten older, I’m more aware of what I share and how that may impact her, so I don’t share as much as I used to. But there are some hard things I want to write about sometimes. I’m going to keep praying and thinking about this, and hope for some guidance in how to connect with other parents with this medium. And also hope to figure out what to do with this place.
I did get to have lunch with Dominic at his school on Thursday for Thanksgiving… I love how he still wants to spend time with me. This age… nine… is so wonderful. Free from mood swings (for the most part, ha!) and filled with childlike wonder yet questioning and reasoning like an adult, Dominic is the perfect mix of child and pre-teen. I adore him so. Anna had a very tumultuous week, up and down, crying, and a few bad spells. But she did finally get another girl in her class, yes! Her new BFF, Robin. (We’ve made a playdate for this Wednesday, hope it goes well!) So Anna tried very hard to be good at school this week. Another girl joined their class on Tuesday and her name is Summer. I don’t much about her yet.
Day 324 ~ Daydreaming?
I often wonder what Anna thinks about when she appears to be daydreaming. Because of her issues, sometimes I can’t tell if she’s just spacing out, daydreaming, or having an absence seizure (her teacher mentioned that they have seen some absence seizures at school… will have to bring that up with the neuro since we haven’t seen them in a while). After school, the kids and I sit here to do homework, have a snack, and play games.
Day 325 ~ Shades of Fall
This gorgeous maple tree in my backyard was a first anniversary gift from my husband… 15 years later and it is huge! I love the colors in the fall… one of the few trees we have that actually change color.
Day 327 ~ Cozy
We had a cold snap in Austin. It’s been in the 30s since Friday and raining, ugh! We’ve been enjoying our fireplace this weekend. Seeing Charlie curled up like this makes me miss Rocky so much. Our old lab used to love laying in front of the fire in the winter.
Thanks for looking! Hope you have a wonderful week and Happy Thanksgiving!