It was a bad week. No way around it. Dominic started running another fever late Tuesday night and was then home Wednesday through Friday. He was out Monday through Wednesday just two weeks ago. I called his Pediatric Infectious Disease doctor and got him an appointment Thursday morning. She felt it was definitely another PFAPA Syndrome cycle. This is not good. In the first five weeks of school, he’s already missed six days. He got a dose of prednisone Thursday afternoon and the fever broke on Friday. He slept all day Sunday.
Anna had a short day on Wednesday, so she was home early. She had a long-standing appointment with her Pediatric Endocrinologist Thursday morning. One that we really needed to keep since she’s been very emotionally unstable due to menstrual regulation efforts. Remember Dominic was home and also had an appointment that morning? Plus Curtis was traveling. It was beyond complicated. My mom worked from home and kept Dominic while I took Anna to the endo at 9… he was just too sick to go with us. We made our way through rush hour traffic to the Specially for Children office next to the children’s hospital and got there right at 9.
The last two times Anna has been in crisis and I’ve called the endo’s office, she has been out of the country. The on-call nurse and doctor are not familiar with her case, so it takes 24+ hours to get any kind of response. Not acceptable in my book. We talked about her hormone regulation and came up with a plan and she listened to my concerns about patient care. Anna needed blood work done so we went up to the lab after we were done, but the waiting area was full and we only had ten minutes before having to go pick up Dominic, so we left.
Historically when I’ve taken Anna to a morning doctor’s appointment, she has had a very difficult time with me leaving her at school. As in, she is sobbing, which makes me have to be mean mommy to get her off of me, then I end up crying in the van. Sooo, I talked to her teacher and decided to keep her home on Thursday after the appointment and do her school work at home. (Her teacher sent some work home the day before.) After her endo appointment, we went home and picked up Dominic to take him to the infectious disease doc… that appointment was scheduled for 11. It was pretty straightforward. After that, we went back up to the lab and checked in. 50 minutes later, Anna got her blood work done. Oy. We made it home at 1:15. It was a loooong morning.
So I wasn’t online all day on Thursday. Friday I check in on Facebook and see all kinds of posts regarding Clickin Moms and Lynne and Ashley getting banned the day before. I was like, “What???” They have been instructors with CM from the beginning. Lynne was there from day one and her classes were the most in demand, running monthly. Another instructor, Sarah, also left on Thursday. There is a lot of complicated back story, but the gist is that contracts were put in place, negotiations were attempted, some instructors signed and some didn’t. After the last workshops finished up, there was some drama on the forum which led the board owner to ban Lynne and Ashley. A lot of us are stunned. These are the nicest, most giving women I’ve ever known. It was not handled well and I’m questioning my future role with Clickin Moms now. That took all of my energy Friday. Saturday I was supposed to lead the 2013 Austin ClickinWalk sponsored by CM. We had 30 walkers registered but thunderstorms were predicted. I was getting texts and emails all day, wondering about a backup plan. On my way down to South Austin, it started storming. Bad storm. It was a mess. We had 14 ladies show up and we first met at a restaurant and talked. Then it stopped raining and we walked, but my heart wasn’t in it.
The photos I’m sharing this week are from the ClickinWalk. I’ve invested 3.5 years to this forum, I’ve worked very hard to attain CMpro, something of which I’m very proud. I wish I were more excited to share these images. CM is more than a business, more than a place to learn, it’s a community of friendship. I think that’s what made this extra hard.
Day 271 ~ 2013 Austin ClickinWalk
Thanks for looking.