It has been an awesome week!!! Clickin Moms has started a new project for the CMpros called PROspectives where we get a theme to shoot and post on Thursdays on the Daily Project. Our theme this week was “bubbles” and when I posted my image, Sunrise Reflected, to Flickr, it made Flickr’s Explore page. This is such an honor! As of this evening, it has over 6K views and has been favorited 450 times… definitely an all-time record for me.
One of our Clickin Moms members lost her husband this week. Our forum shot macros, flowers, and other pretty things, to show our love and support for her. We are so sorry, Mama Z. Serenity was taken especially with her in mind.
Day 197 ~ Hibiscus in the Rain
Day 197 ~ The Hydrangea and the Bug
Day 197 ~ Serenity
Day 197 ~ Stamen Shadow
Day 197 ~ Stern Old Man
Day 199 ~ Blue Bubble
Day 199 ~ Good Morning Bubbles
Day 199 ~ Sunrise Reflected
Day 199 ~ A Pair of Foxes
Day 200 ~ Aglow
Day 201 ~ Farmer’s Market
Day 202 ~ Through My Window
Thanks so much for looking!