It was a wonderful week of family time, with an extended weekend for mom and Curtis getting off of work for the 4th of July. This day, the 4th, marks a very important anniversary… rather “seizure-versary”… this year marks 4 years since Anna had a tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure. We are very grateful, very very grateful, that she has made it 4 years. I wonder when and if I will ever let my guard down?
Anna, Jenny, and I got to ride on Andy Allen’s real estate float in our neighborhood parade while Curtis and Dominic were in the Boy Scouts part of the parade. Mom manned the camera and got some really cute shots, though I haven’t had time to go through them all yet. But I will share some 4th of July photos that I got of the boys playing with fireworks. This was Dominic’s first time actually getting to use a lighter and he was pretty excited. He and Rocky, and Rocky’s big brother, Max, treated us to a pre-sunset show of bottle rockets, firecrackers, color bombs, and more. Then the big boys (ahem, Daddy) helped set off the bigger ones after dark. We had some neighbors over and enjoyed some fellowship and visiting… even making some new friends. It will be hard to say goodbye to these traditions as we begin the process of custom building our dream home in Georgetown, but we’ll be back to visit.
We visited with our builder on Friday and walked the lot with him. Then we went to his office and red-lined some floor plans which he then was going to turn over to the architect. This is really happening!!! Mom has already started cleaning out her house and we got our driveway re-poured too… making progress!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy our 4th of July and that you enjoyed yours too!
Thanks for looking. 🙂