Definitely going through an uncomfortable period of introspection… not picking up my camera everyday (*must.change.that.this.week*)… feeling a bit discombobulated… but I think I’m coming out the other side. You have to plateau, and even stagnate, before growth, and I tend do things intensely if at all. I’ll be glad to feel excited about shooting daily again.
It looks like 99% chance that we are going to custom build our dream house with a smaller house for my mom on the same property. Eventually, Anna might live there too. We simply cannot find an existing property that meets all of our needs. And we found a wonderful builder named Norm Ashby with Wilde Wood Custom Homes. This week, we may have found a lot that will work and we’ve narrowed down the main house floor plan too. Sooo exciting!
Day 169 ~ Hoop
Anna and I are spending time at the rec center nearly every day. She never tires of shooting hoops. I’ve been challenging myself to find a different perspective to show.
Day 171 ~ Magical Strings of Survival
This shot has been on my bucket list for a few years now but I’ve never found the right web. Thanks to Dominic, who always finds me the coolest shooting opportunities, I was able to capture this amazing spider and web. This little guy was less than an inch big, and appeared to have a hard shell on his back.
Day 172 ~ Future Front Porch
This is the view from the lot we found… this view would eventually be from our front porch. The house would face northwest (and no, that is not a veiled joke about KSquared’s new offspring, lol)… and it’s an acre big with lots of oak trees. It is a gorgeous lot.
Day 174~ Intense Summer Study
Before the kids can play on screens, they have to do some workbook pages. Anna is working on kindergarten level coin recognition and she is struggling. It’s hard for her and hard to watch… but I was telling Curtis that I’m beginning to let go of expecting progress in areas like this… instead focusing on areas where she is actually making progress.
Day 175 ~ Just a Scare
Found a lump last week. Fast forward to today… I had a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. Because of my weight loss, my breast tissue has changed but they found nothing worrisome. They did take a few extra views where I had my biopsy a couple of years ago and I got the all clear. Whew. Every time I go there, I think of my friends who are battled or who have battled breast cancer. It’s a complicated thing, weaving our identity and sexuality in with disease. It puts you in this completely vulnerable and powerless place. My friends have my prayers.
Thanks for looking! If you are a photographer and you are reading this, I would love to know that you will commit with me, this one week, to shooting every day. Tuesday-Monday, you don’t have to share them at all, just shoot. ‘k? Smooches!