Last week was spring break and boy were we busy! The zoo, shopping, in-laws, the rodeo, road trip, Llano… I need a vacation! The kids are back today and there was no way to sort through the hundreds of photos to blog, so I just grabbed a few for now. I think I’ll make the rodeo a separate post. 🙂
Day 73 ~ Kangaroo Pup
My mom’s sister was in town and helped her plant some new flowers. This is called a Kangaroo Pup. I love how tiny and delicate it appears yet conveys strength through its color and growth.
Day 73 ~ Verbena Beauty
Another new flower for my mom’s flower bed… this is SOOC, just resized. The color is stunning.
Day 75 ~ Dominic’s Night Out
Mom kept Anna Saturday night and Curtis and I were able to take Dominic out for a well-deserved night of fun. He has been so awesome this spring break, including Anna in his playtime. We are so proud of him when he takes the time to teach her things and is patient and loving. So we went out to dinner, then took him to an evening showing of the new movie, Oz the Great and Powerful. It was wonderful!
Day 76 ~ Dandy St. Patrick’s Day
We met up with my FIL and his wife in Llano to visit his cousin and family (I think that makes us third cousins?). This family is so very loving, I hope we see lots more of them. The weather was beautiful and I found these pretty dandelions waiting to be wished upon.
Day 76 ~ Seagull Soaring
A large seagull soars over the Llano River.
Day 77 ~ Interrupted
Charlie was hanging out watching the squirrels run back and forth over our deck when I whistled to get his attention. Definitely annoyed. Definitely.
Thanks for looking! I hope to be back by the end of the week with rodeo photos. Have a great one!