So I missed a few days this week but for good cause. I’ve been on an OCD-like spring cleaning kick and have reorganized nearly my entire house. Closets that haven’t seen the light of day in years are cleaned out and organized. Jenny’s old room got a complete makeover including painting and is now my home office and guest room. We have our bedroom back to ourselves for the first time since my knee replacement surgery two years ago. Ahhh, it feels so good! This week also marked another milestone… I’m down 30 pounds so far! 16 weeks on Weight Watchers and going strong.
Day 37 ~ Waiting Room
The kids got out of school early and Dominic had an appointment with his psychiatrist for a medication follow-up. What a difference a year makes! I’m so proud of my son and how much he’s worked to control his ADHD. He went from getting disciplinary referrals weekly (and even a suspension) to being a role model and winning awards this year.
Day 38 ~ A Dog’s Life
The older I get, the harder it is to get down in the floor… but I love this perspective.
Day 42 ~ Abandoned Web
Got out with my macro this morning in the rain and started searching for little details. Found this inch-long web caught in between some twigs on a branch.
Day 42 ~ Through the Umbrella
Since it was raining when I took the macro out, I didn’t want to block the light with a dark umbrella so I borrowed Anna’s clear one. Looking out at the neighbor’s back yard of tall grass, this is the view I had from inside the umbrella.
Thanks for looking! I hope everyone has a fantastic week and I’m excited about having enough energy to shoot every day this week.