Shhh… it’s day 7 of 2013 and I’ve taken a photo every day this year (so far). I’m not formally committing to a Project 365… I did one in 2010 and my family has threatened to disown me if I do another one. But I will commit to posting my images once in a week in a Project 52 post. Some weeks might have 7 images, some might have 1, some might have a few from just one day. The important thing is that I’m going solo this year… I’m not following any particular themes or groups, just my heart. I’m going to *try* to shoot every day and I’m already so happy and excited about my photography this year. I made some soul-searching decisions about what and how I shoot, I decided to step back from the business and shoot more for myself, and I decided to share more about my family since that’s why I started blogging in the first place. It feels great to be in balance and enjoying life. Welcome to my 365(ish) in 52 for 2013… Week One!
Day 1 ~ Soul Windows
It was late, already dark, Anna was in the shower upstairs, and I was going back and forth from the bathroom to her room getting her things ready for bedtime. Charlie kept sitting at the edge of the light just staring at me with these eyes. It made me think of that phrase, “Eyes are windows to the soul.” I wonder what he was thinking?
Day 2 ~ Mesmerized
Dominic got a DS XL from Santa and everyday Anna begs him to let her play on it. He’s nicely agreed a few times… she is completely mesmerized by the big screen.
Day 3 ~ Wishing
Dominic was chatting with me in the living room, having caught me in the midst of chores. He was so chattery that I made him stop so I could take a picture of him. He closed his eyes for a moment and it looked like he was wishing for something. I’ll have another photo to share at the end of the month from this series for a new Clickin Moms Blog Circle in which I’m participating this year, so keep an eye out for that.
Day 4 ~ Mom
One of my Christmas gifts was this Mom necklace from Dominic. He purchased it from his school’s holiday shop and I think it’s so sweet. I’ll be sharing a self-portrait from this series later this week for a new Creativity Challenge at Clickin Moms called the Unconventional Self-Portrait.
Day 5 ~ Watching
Charlie is very alert and often sits at the back sliding glass door watching people on the greenbelt. He’s been extra cuddly lately and has enjoyed everyone being home over the holidays.
Day 6 ~ Grasslands
Jenny came up for the day on Sunday, so we took a family day trip to the Perdenales Falls State park. We hiked about an hour and got some beautiful photos (blog post coming soon!). Curtis and Dominic took some photos too. 🙂 One of my personal favorites from the trip was this shot of the grasslands… the grasses are just so pretty blowing in the breeze.
Day 7 ~ Morning Frost
We had a hard freeze last night and woke up this morning to frost covering everything. It was so pretty! I had to get out there with my macro lens and get an image just after sunrise.
Thanks for looking! And wish me luck… I’d love to continue shooting this much. It feels so good.