
“The Way I View”, A Clickin Moms 12-Month Challenge: July ~ Summer Time

I’m participating in a fun 12-month challenge at Clickin Moms called “The Way I View”. Each month a group of 12 CM photographers interpret that month’s theme through photographs, then link to each other’s blogs.

July’s theme is The Way I View: Summer Time. To be honest, summer time is not my favorite season. Anna’s needs require constant supervision… she is too complicated to attend any typical summer camps and she has too much anxiety to attend a special needs camp; so she is with me all of the time. I hired a wonderful respite caregiver that comes three days a week so I get a little break and my husband, oldest daughter, and mother all help me too. I usually dread summer time, but I have to say that this summer has been the best yet. Anna has become more independent and she is finally wanting to play on her DS (Nintendogs and My Baby First Steps are her favorite games). She is sleeping through the night and even sleeping in until after 8 a.m. most days. Dominic discovered Minecraft this summer and has built some incredibly elaborate structures, including an underground water canal system that connects all of the fountains in the city as well as a roller coaster that runs for 4 solid minutes! This is Jenny’s last summer at home… she is moving this fall to attend Texas State for her junior year in college so I’ve been super happy to spend a lot of time with her. Because it is so hot here in Austin, we don’t go outside very often, so we spend time at the rec center, running errands, and hanging out at home.

We had a stormy July, even setting a record one day for rainfall. I got this image right before a storm hit… the clouds were so ominous!

Austin nature photographer storm clouds sky

After all this rain we’ve gotten, the dragonflies have been out in force.

Austin nature photographer dragonfly

I’ve stolen a few moments to get outside and shoot some macro. I love finding interesting textures, flowers, and even weeds during the summer. They have such a different feel than the spring crop of blooms.

Austin nature macro photographer weeds

Austin nature macro photographer bloom bush

Sunset through the bird feeder.

Austin nature photographer sunset birdfeeder

Happy 8th Birthday, Dominic!!! I love that I captured him making his wish this year. 🙂

Austin lifestyle child photographer birthday cake candles wish

To see how Rachel views Summer Time, visit her blog here. Thanks for looking!

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