The My Four Hens Project 52 theme this week is “me.” This week was a tough one. I put myself out there professionally and I got rejected. I toyed around with many ideas for this week’s photo but I ultimately followed my heart and shot some macro. Whenever I’m feeling blue, going out with my macro lens always makes me feel better. I found this swallowtail butterfly in a neighbor’s yard. Their wings flutter so quickly, it’s hard to capture them at all. I really love how the antennae and legs are perfectly focused, while the wings show some motion blur… and I feel this symbolizes me so well. At my core, I know what I love and what brings me joy, yet I’m always seeking new knowledge and skills; being still and in motion at the same time. After going this through denial process, feeling pretty low, then coming up for air, I’m now ready to fly.
Thanks for looking.