The My Four Hens Project 52 theme this week is home. I sooo wish this had been last week’s theme because I have an amazing photo that I created for Shooting 301: Composition and Creativity just last week. This workshop is challenging me, stretching me, and expanding me in ways I didn’t realize I was missing. The workshop is taught through Clickin Moms and is led by the amazing Sarah Wilkerson.
We arrived home after bedtime last night, after a slightly unsuccessful and frustrating attempt to get a photo in the Texas bluebonnets with my own children during the golden hour, and I was feeling discouraged. The kids were tired and grumpy and so was I. This class has been consuming me and my kids are sick of having the camera in their faces. (In fact, I posted a Model Call post on my Facebook page if you know of anyone in the Austin area who would be willing to pose for me!) As we rounded the bend at the top of the street, I saw the full moon softly glowing down on our house and I literally gasped out loud. I knew that this would be a perfect photo for this week’s theme.
After the kids went to bed, I took my tripod, remote release, macro lens, and camera down the street and set up smack in the middle of the street. I set the shutter speed at 0.8, 1.3, and 2 seconds, all at f/2.8 and ISO 200, then merged the three photos together to get this one. This is what I see when I come home after dark on a night with a full moon. Home Sweet Home. We’ve lived here since 1999 and it has seen Anna and Dominic come home from the hospital; it’s seen Jenny move out and go off to college; it’s seen a fire truck twice and an ambulance once; it’s seen a separation and reconciliation; it is home; this is my home.
Thanks for looking!