The My Four Hens Project 52 theme this week is simplicity which really resonated with me since life has been exceedingly complex of late. I thought of many different types of shots that might have worked… but this week, like most weeks, beat me up a bit. So this shot is a result of trekking out behind my house this afternoon and getting down to the ground. These tiny wildflowers are sprouting up everywhere and they hardly deserve a second glance since they look kind of like a weed. But look what happens when you get close with a macro…
Looking at this image makes me feel peaceful in my soul. The simple lines and colors are rich with detail and texture. I have a feeling I’ll be looking at this photo a lot in the near future. We met with Dominic’s psychologist this week and got the results of all the tests, assessments, and evaluations. Dominic does indeed have ADHD, mixed type, moderate, as well as dysthymia which is a low grade depression. Our next step is to get in with the psychiatrist (booking in March and waiting on a call back) and meeting with the school administration for a 504 plan and a BIP. Dominic’s reaction surprised me; he actually seemed relieved. I can imagine that carrying the burden of these severe behavior problems would weigh heavy on him and realizing that he’s not fundamentally at fault would be very reassuring. I’ll write a separate post soon about the appointment and all the rest of the information… remind me to fill you in about what his TAG teacher told me when she called this week.
Thanks for looking!