For the first time in 15 years, we are spending Christmas in Ohio. We left Austin on Saturday, leaving Jenny and Nana behind because they had to work. Jenny is taking care of the dogs for us and my mom surprised us with an early Christmas gifts of his and hers iPads! Wow!!! We were totally gobsmacked! Two days in the car with Anna and Dominic went much more smoothly because of technology (thank you, Mom!!!) and I got this week’s photo on our first night in the car… Anna playing on my iPad and Dominic playing on his DS.
We stayed in Memphis at the halfway point but I think we’re going to come back through St. Louis. We’ve had many adventures this week and I have loads of photos to share (once I have time to edit them!). The trip is going great though I miss my mom, my daughter, and my dogs very much. We got a great hotel with 2 bedrooms (both with doors), a small living room, and kitchenette, which makes it easy to put the kids to bed and stay up late with my hubby. We are spending lots of time with his mom, his sister and her family, and we’re getting to see my dad and his wife too. So far this week, we went to EnterTRAINment (a fun model train museum that also had a fabulous Santa!), the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery, the Clifton Mill Christmas light display, and Young’s Dairy. I did most of our Christmas shopping yesterday, braving the mall and crowds, and spent hours wrapping last night. I think we’re staying at my SIL’s house for Christmas Eve and I got those adorable striped jammies from Hanna Andersson for the kids to wear.
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and I’ll be back next Friday with my last Project 52 photo for this year!