I’ve been busy decorating, editing photos, creating Christmas cards, trying to shop, and generally just going a tiny bit crazy. 😉 I had my last family session of the year yesterday and Jenny was so kind and came along as my assistant (i.e., lugging around the stepladder, holding the reflector, and helping engage the kids). She finished up her first semester of her sophomore year in college yesterday and got the best grades yet! Jenny has really matured this year, holding down a job and taking 18 (!!!) credit hours, earning all As and Bs, and managing her life so well. I could not be more proud of her!!! She also turned 20 this week. Gulp, that makes me feel really old! Here is a shot I got of her yesterday as she was being my stand-in for the family I was about to photograph.
Happy Birthday (a little belated for the blog), my little angel on earth! Thank you for helping me yesterday. I have a few birthday photos from Tuesday that I’ll try to share soon.
Thanks for looking!