Oh my gosh, we have been so sick! Three weeks now… first Curtis, then me, then Dominic, then Anna. Anna was home half the week and ended up with an ear infection on top of the parainfluenza virus. She is slowly getting better but is still very fatigued. She went to my mom’s house after school yesterday after doing homework and fell asleep for an hour and a half. Poor little Booksi. Dominic is almost all better now with just a lingering cough.
I’ve been studying off-camera flash this week so it’s been a quiet week for my camera and actually taking real photos. Yesterday I noticed my Gerber daisies were happily blooming in my front flower bed, so I took my macro lens out to get a few shots. I also discovered Nicole Van… and her Flourish Emporium for Professional Photographers. She offers a free tint action and texture on her Facebook page, so I thought this image would be perfect for trying it out. What do you think? Do you like texture on photos? I reduced the overall opacity, then masked the texture 50% off of the actual blossom.