There is a neighborhood cat that has visited us twice and spent the night. We call him Tiger but have since found out his real name is Spock. He is the nicest cat we have ever met! He is very friendly, cuddly, purrs easily, loves the kids, and isn’t afraid of the dogs (though Charlie is still way too hyper for him). We have some food and a litter box but we have to keep the dogs in our bedroom when he comes in. Obviously we can’t keep him but the kids especially love it when he visits. I got a photo of him last weekend… so here is Tiger.
The only problem with Tiger is that Anna is now obsessed. Like totally perseverating every day. “Is Tiger here?” “Have you seen Tiger?” She stands at the front window and says, “I see him!” when he’s not there. She wants to go look for him all the time. Poor baby. Her brain will not let go of things.
I know I’ve been extra quiet lately. There’s a lot going on at home that is needing my attention and I’m struggling a little with finding my footing. I will be hosting the Austin ClickinWalk tomorrow so that will be fun and I’ll be sharing some photos soon from the walk. It’s not too late to register if you want to join us.