
Artsy macro with flowers and a dandelion

I didn’t get much opportunity to do any shooting yesterday so at 7:00 p.m. last night, I put on some long pants and tennies to go for a trek in the field behind our house. Armed with my camera, tripod, remote release, and new 60mm macro lens, I was determined to take some photos to feed my soul.

I succeeded.

First I found some tall grass… pretty. But a little boring.

Then I found a tiny dandelion growing up among a patch of grass. My mom liked this shot, but it was my least favorite of the day.

I gave up on the field and went to my front yard. I found a lone dandelion in my flower bed. Now I’ve seen some remarkable dandelion macro and wasn’t sure I could pull off what I had envisioned in my head. I switched to manual focus, used the lawn as my backdrop, and held the puff up to the lens. I even separated one seedling from the puff for a few shots.

Now that’s what I’m talking about.

I walked around for a bit more and found a cluster of blue-ish lavender flowers and I have no idea what they are. I got as close as I could and shot a succession of photos. I knew after chimping that I had a few that really spoke to me. The last photo was taken in my kitchen with the camera sitting on the counter just an inch away from the flowers. These are ART to me. These make my heart sing. These make me so happy. The flowers remind me of undulating water. All were taken with manual focus. The first one I purposefully shot out of focus for a dreamy quality. Love love love.

This one is my favorite of the day.

Thanks for looking. It’s interesting which ones my family liked and which ones I liked… totally different. Art is subjective. I’d love to hear which ones you like or even if you don’t like any. I’m open to all feedback. 🙂

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