Wow, what a busy week! Curtis and I had an awesome date night last weekend, Anna started medication to treat her newly diagnosed hypothyroidism, Jenny took a few finals to end her first year in college, Curtis was out of town on Wednesday (and of course the kids had an early release that day and Anna had soccer practice that night), Dominic was home sick yesterday, Anna had her very first Special Olympics competition today (which I’m going to blog about in GREAT detail this weekend), and I got an iPhone today <woot! woot!>! No wonder I’m a little tired tonight. I’m so glad I’m doing Project 52 this year… years down the road, I’ll have these photos and notes to remember what was going on.
Jenny has turned into this amazing young adult. It’s sort of happened gradually… this blossoming into adulthood… and it really struck me this week how much she’s grown. I don’t ask her for help with the kids, she just shows up when I seem to need her the most. She shares what is going on in her life and asks me about mine too. She’s doing well in school and has been responsible with her money. I want to honor that in her this week. Way to go, Angel! I am so proud of you!