It’s pet week on i heart faces! I got this photo of Charlie just last week (and apologies to this who have already seen this photo and commented… you’re probably like, “Again?” <wink>). He’s our almost-2-year-old-but-still-acts-like-a-puppy Labradoodle and he has a huge personality. This photo was taken at the end of a series where I was trying to get him to look up at me while making him stay on the couch. He was like, “Are we done yet?” Tee hee! He has such a range of expressions. He loves fetching, getting his rump scratched, going for a ride in the car, and escaping the house any chance he gets. When getting up on the bed for a cuddle, Charlie always lays his head on the pillow. He is one of the most intelligent dogs I’ve ever known. We think he’s more person than canine and we love him so much.
FYI, it is tough to nail focus with an 85mm wide open indoors. Oy! EXIF is 1/100, f/1.8, ISO 2500, matrix metering.
Thanks for looking! Now go check out all of the other great entries at i heart faces!