
Fix-it Friday #91 at i heart faces!


It’s Fix-it Friday at i heart faces and this week’s original image is brought to us by Dana Suggs, an i heart faces contributor. What a gorgeous little girl in such a gorgeous location! Here is the original photo:

I wanted to crop in much closer and convert to black and white to showcase this beautiful little girl more. Here is my edit:

Using PS CS5:

~Cropped and straightened.

~Converted to b/w using Channel Mixer and adjusted each channel.

~Levels adjustment layer to fix muddy tones.

~Curves adjustment layer to increase contrast.

~Add a hint of yellow by using the color fill adjustment layer set to color mode at low opacity.

~Added a vignette, high pass sharpening layer, and did a touch of dodging and burning to increase drama.

Thanks for looking and be sure to check out the other edits at i heart faces this week!

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