
Changes are coming for 4th grade due to budget cuts

We finally heard from Mrs. M today what the change is going to entail for Anna next year for 4th grade. Due to state-wide budget cuts, our home campus will no longer have a FAC/FLS classroom on site. Anna will have to be bussed to another elementary school that is about 20 minutes north even though there are 2 or 3 other elementary schools that are closer. One good piece of news is that Mrs. M is going with her along with 3 other students currently at Anna’s school.

But this is not good news. Not at all. We currently live 1/2 mile from our home campus… the same elementary school that Jenny attended from K-5 and she’s now in college. Everyone there knows Anna… the staff, the administration, the specials teachers, the coaches, the cafeteria monitors, and the students. Everyone says “hi” to her and is nice to her. Plus Dominic is in the TAG program and will be getting Mrs. S next year who we ADORE. He’s had a crummy first grade and Mrs. S will be an awesome fit for him next year. I don’t want my kids to go to different schools. Plus Anna hates riding the school bus and she’ll be on it for at least 45 minutes each way.

When Anna attended PPCD, she had to go to another elementary school because ours didn’t have a preschool program for children with disabilities. Then for kindergarten, she was sent way across the district for FLS for the same reason. We had her repeat kindergarten and our home campus started special education services so that worked out well. She’s been here for 3 years now and is really comfortable. We’ve been thinking about *maybe* moving within the district in the near future. It will take a LOT of work to get our house ready to sell. So we were tentatively thinking about looking at other schools anyway… this might be a sign that it’s time. I will need to start doing research… which schools will even have FAC/FLS classes next year that also offer TAG programs. I will move heaven and earth to get these kids the best education that I can.

I am really bummed about this though. Change is hard for Anna and no matter what we do, she is going to have to face some major change next year. I hope we can get her in a good environment with a progressive principal and a curriculum that challenges her and can meet her unique academic needs. I’m also bummed because that darn “r” word continues to crop up and I feel like I have to say something every single time. I don’t like making people uncomfortable and most of the time, they don’t mean anything by it… but it’s about educating people and hopefully changing society’s views one person at a time.

I would also appreciate any prayers you could spare for a friend of mine. My first adult girlfriend, Debbie… an old friend now, that I don’t see nearly as often as I’d like and came to visit me after my knee surgery and took care of Jenny years ago when I had abdominal surgery and mentored me in my first real job and was with me the night I met my husband… well… she called me Tuesday night with the news that she was just diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. It’s aggressive and fast. Life is so unfair sometimes. She is one of those genuinely nice people that gives more than she takes. I feel so helpless. She is surrounded by the most incredible, loving family, partner, and friends anyone could ask for so she will be well cared for. Sending so much love, hugs, and prayers her way that I hope she can feel it. Love you, Deb.

Hug your loved ones, ‘k?

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