Original image submitted by Dana Suggs, an i heart faces contributor.
I really like this image and saw a lot of potential in it. First I was really distracted by the background clutter, specifically the white shed in the left part of the image and the boards on the ground. I also thought a high contrast, grungy look would go well with this senior. My cloning isn’t perfect, this was just a quick pass… but you get the idea.
My edit:
Using PS CS5, my workflow consisted of:
~Cloned out shed, boards, and white spray paint on brick
~Used the liquify tool on leg to lift it up a bit, then cloned in missing background
~Levels layer to darken midtones
~Duplicated layer, set to soft light at 80% opacity
~Center fill layer set to 12% opacity
~Yellow color fill layer set to 15% on color blend mode to warm image
~Cyan color fill layer set to 10% on color blend mode masked only on skin to reduce red
~Heavy vignette set to 40% opacity
~High pass sharpening layer
Thanks for looking!