I realized last month that I totally forgot to get the children their annual well-child checkups! So today I took Anna and Dominic in together to see Dr. G. It’s nice to visit him when the children are healthy!
Anna is 9 years old, weighs 96 pounds and is 57.5″ inches tall. That puts her in the 90th percentile for height and weight. I should really go back to the child hypotonia board on iVillage to post that update… from 6 months to age 3, Anna was never on the chart and was considered failure to thrive. Look at her now! There are some concerns about her low tone causing some physical issues, but there isn’t really anything we can do about it. She is otherwise doing well.
Dominic is 6 years old. He weighs 47.7 pounds and is 47.75 inches tall. Isn’t that funny? 47 and 47? That puts him in the 46th percentile for weight and 60th percentile for height. He is doing very well overall.
They both got their FluMist vaccines and we were done. It went well but I swear I’m never taking them together solo again, lol! In this photo, I was having Anna practice laying down and tilting her head back to get the FluMist so she wouldn’t be so scared. She looked so cute that I got a quick photo.