Today is a 2-part photo and you’ll understand why at the end of this story. The kids finished dinner, were excused from the table, and Dominic disappeared outside with the sidewalk chalk. A few minutes later, he pops back inside asking Anna to come outside… he’s made her something. I see Anna in the doorway, hanging her head and wiping her eyes. She’s crying happy tears, something she’s started doing this year when something touches her deeply.
Then I look out the door. Dominic has drawn a big star and written Anna inside of it. Then he wrote the words, “This star is Anna.” (Oh and a little further to the side, “made by Dominic” *snort*.) He was so excited to show her the star and it made her so happy. What a great moment between the two of them. I had to get my camera! I know these aren’t the best pictures in the world, but wow, what a memory!