
Fix-it Friday #73 at i heart faces

This Fix-it Friday photo was submitted by Keli Hoskins, an IHF contributor. What a beautiful little girl! Gorgeous eyes and I love the chalk. Here is the original photo:


And here is my edit:

I wanted to add a lot of warmth, a bit of haze, and a touch of a vintage effect. First I opened the photo in ACR to correct the exposure and white balance. Then I opened the image in CS4.

Workflow in PS CS4:
~cloned out the leaves, grass, and mulch on the sidewalk around the girl, I found those bits very distracting
~also used the healing brush on the bruises on her arm and leg
~added some contrast with curves
~ran Noiseware at very low opacity
~very lightly dodged highlights in the iris of the eyes
~added yellow haze for a sunshine-kissed effect
~slightly desaturated
~added a very subtle vignette

Thanks for looking and come check out the other edits at i heart faces!

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