On Sunday, we had the privilege of attending a special fundraiser for a special little girl, Mimi. Mimi is 10 years old and lives very near us. She has a rare chromosome disorder called 9 p minus syndrome which causes sensory issues and daily seizures. Mimi’s mom, Shannon, is trying to raise money to get Mimi a seizure-alert dog from 4 Paws for Ability. The cost of this service dog is $15,000 and could potentially save Mimi’s life. The family has raised $3,000 so far and our family wants to get involved. After their goal is reached, Shannon is going to start a foundation to help other families get service dogs.
When Anna and Mimi met on Sunday, it was an instant connection. Both girls wanted to have a playdate immediately so I gave my contact info to Shannon and was thrilled to hear from her yesterday. Our families are going to meet in San Antonio on Friday to go to Morgan’s Wonderland, an amusement park for special needs children. I feel so fortunate that Anna’s seizures are so infrequent now and really want to do something to give back all the love that has been sent our way. I still hope that Charlie, our Labradoodle, will alert to her seizures, especially in the middle of the night, but also hope Anna continues this long streak of being seizure-free.
If this story touches you, please consider donating to Mimi’s family. Even $5 or $10 can make a difference. The local news attended the fundraiser and covered the story with a short segment: Fundraiser hopes to buy service dog for Austin girl.
To learn more about Mimi, visit her website, Help Mimi. Thank you so much for getting involved!