I bought a prime lens in mid-May, a 50 mm, f1.8 D AF, not really knowing exactly how to use it before purchasing. But I’m a hands-on learner and I’ve been trying to shoot with it almost every day. Unfortunately, most of my shots have been too blurry to use. Here’s a big d’oh moment… are you ready? The AF (autofocus) feature doesn’t work on my D40 camera body! UGH!!! So I popped it onto Jenny’s D90 today and got this shot of Charlie using the autofocus. Wow, look at that DOF!!! Sigh, I may have to think about re-prioritizing my wishlist from a Macbook Pro to a D90. Manually focusing, especially on fast-moving small children, just isn’t working out that great!
Charlie is so cute, isn’t he???
Thanks for looking!