Today is one of those days where we have nothing planned and nothing specific to do… I wish it wasn’t 100 degrees outside. Anna is having a really good week and it’s been fun just hanging out with her. I have to say that parenting is much easier when you have happy children. Unfortunately, Dominic hasn’t been happy. The Focalin has some negative side effects for him; it hits him hard in the morning and makes him very tired. He gets quiet and sedated, and all he wants to do is play video games. He doesn’t want to eat or engage in any kind of group play activities. In the late afternoon, when it starts wearing off, he gets angry and mean, saying things like, “I hate you!” and “You’re an idiot!” Needless to say, it’s been rough going with him. We have a followup appointment with the neuro next week, but I’m going to send him an email today. (Isn’t that awesome that our neuro accepts email from parents?) I just couldn’t give Dominic the Focalin yesterday… he doesn’t like taking it and recently, he looked up at me with these big eyes and said, “Mommy, I like my hyperness.” Nope, this med just doesn’t feel right. I also have a series of appointments set up with a child psychologist in early August… I’m hoping she’ll have some additional guidance for us. So much of the time, I feel like I’m in over my head with my children. I’ve read parenting books, and even attended a few seminars, but these kids don’t follow any of the rules… even those for challenges and special needs, lol.
I do have a little brag about my boy. He’s 4 years old and is reading so well, it blows me away. Yesterday, I found him reading Baby Blue Cat and the Smiley Worm Doll to himself so I asked him to read it to me. He read it like I would, quickly, with inflection. It is really cool. He’s also doing some complicated math. He’ll look at the clock and note the time, like it’s 9:43, then he’ll say there is 17 minutes until 10 o’clock. He’ll multiply 60 by 2 and tell people there are 120 minutes in 2 hours. He loves time. I think he’ll be bored stiff in kindergarten!
I should be going… the massive SpongeBob SpongeBash this weekend left us with lots of new SpongeBob episodes taped, woohoo! Silly the things that make me happy. 😉