
4 months and 2 days

When we got home from the parade, Anna seemed very tired. I wasn’t surprised, it was very hot outside and Dominic woke us up at 6:30 this morning. She wanted to lay down, which did surprise me… so we laid down for a little while, she slept about 20 minutes, then got up complaining of a tummy ache. For the next couple of hours, she cried, moaned, whined, and really cried about her tummy. She wanted to lay down again and slept for an hour, then woke up suddenly, talked to me briefly, then fell back asleep. That’s when the seizure hit.

This one lasted about 3.5 minutes, the first 45 seconds was a tonic-clonic (grand mal or convulsive), then the rest of the seizure was a complex partial where she had facial grimacing, lip smacking, and her eyes were dilated. For the next 10 minutes or so, she had about 6 myoclonic jerks (like when you are falling asleep and jerk?)… she’s never had those before so I’ll need to write to her neuro. It’s been a rough day. She had 3 naps total and she didn’t have a fever when the seizure started or throughout the day. After her last nap, she was hot at 101 degrees. Her last seizure was on her birthday on March 2nd.

I got some nice pictures of the kids and the parade this morning and of course, some cute ones of Charlie, so I’ll post those when I’m not feeling so blue.

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