We are heading over to see our neighborhood parade in a little bit. The kids are excited because the folks on the float will be throwing candy. Poor Jenny has to work this morning. It’s been so hot that I’m not sure how much we’ll be participating in our community events today, but Dominic really wants to stay up late to see the fireworks. Anna is scared of them, of course.
I’m going to take Charlie to the parade… he is getting better and better everyday being on the leash. We start our formal obedience class tomorrow! He has been so amazing… we haven’t even had him a week yet and he’s already learned come, sit, shake, down, and roll over. There have been several times when Anna’s been struggling or in a full-out meltdown and holding Charlie immediately calms her. He is nearly sleeping through the night already too and I’m so pleased to see him resting his little head on Anna’s feet during the night. I wonder what’s involved in getting him certified as a service dog? Thank goodness for Google, lol!
I hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July!