1. I have a favorite SpongeBob episode.
(It’s Band Geeks… I just crack up every time I watch it as does Anna. We especially love the part when Sandy and Patrick have a fight in the parking lot and Patrick comes back with the trombone stuck on his neck going toot-toot with every step.)
2. My daily wardrobe consists of sport team t-shirts and polos purchased from the grocery store and drugstore. I just noticed yesterday that I also have 1-inch gray roots.
(Pathetic, yes?)
3. I can’t remember the last time I actually slept (and yes, I mean sleep, lol) with my husband.
(Because Anna’s seizures are so unpredictable, usually hit in the middle of the night, and cause her to roll so that her face is in her pillow, I sleep with her. Sometimes my mom will keep her and Dominic for a sleepover and I get to sleep with Curtis.)